Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Hey there everyone.

So quite a bit has happened since my last post. We had our first week of real classes which was definitely a wake up call. You mean I'm not just here to go on awesome trips and explore this great city? I have to read and go to class and do homework and learn? I didn't sign up for that...oh wait.

Thankfully I think that I'm going to like my classes. My Language, Culture, and Social Cognition class is focusing a lot on theory of mind development (when a person realizes that other people have separate brains and therefore different thoughts and beliefs) which is a really interesting topic. My educational psych class seems alright but I've only had one class so far so it's tough to say. Finally I have a Czech Art and Architecture course where we do some learning but mainly go on field trips. I'm pretty jazzed about that. I was in a Czech language course but that gave me 8 hours of class on tuesdays and I wasn't about to do that. So now I just have three classes, each three hours long, two on tuesday and one on wed. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

This weekend we flew the ever exciting Ryanair to Stockholm. The flight was only $60 but flew us into an airport that was an hour and 10 minutes away from the actual city so we had to bus in. Sweden is beautiful and reminded me a lot of Minnesota oddly, guess that's why the Swedes are so comfortable there. We got to our hostel and then went and wandered around, found a delicious place for dinner and wound up in the Charlie Chaplin Karaoke and Dance Club. We danced a bit and sang Don't Stop Believin which was pretty epic.

We got up early the next day and set out about the city. We went to the Aquarium, and the Nobel Museum, wandered the docks, and wandered in general. It was very odd but we all felt really at home there. The city was very clean and manageable, the people were all beautiful and very friendly, and there was just a very comfortable atmosphere about the place.

It was really cold and rainy though in the afternoon so we chilled in the hostel and then went to dinner at this locals pub nearby and had the best meal ever. A gigantic Swedish meatball and mashed potatoes. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

We went to bed early because we had to catch the 5 AM bus to the airport. Our trip back was pretty uneventful and we just chilled the rest of the day.

Oh and last night we went to Swan Lake. It was awesome and I really enjoyed it. If I could be half as strong and flexible as some of those dancers I would be so stoked.

Well, I'm off to class so I will try to write again soon. Amsterdam this weekend!!!

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