Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween Weekend and Beyond

Hey everyone. Not sure if anyone is actually reading this but I'll just keep updating as if you are.

This weekend was awesome. My friend Melinda came to visit for the weekend. She got in Friday afternoon and we went on a walking tour of the city. It was really cold but super clear and gorgeous. She definitely agreed with me that I live in Disneyland. Sat we got up early and went to the castle, St. Vitus Cathedral, Petron Hill (which is a really cool lookout tower on top of this hill), and the Franz Kafka museum. After that we came back and napped and then got ready for Halloween. We went to this really cool club where the European study abroad program (Erasmus) was throwing the "Bloody, Sexy Halloween Party". I wore my bed sheet as a toga and it was pretty awesome (though really cold afterwards). I kept getting stopped to take pictures with people and they all told me that it was an awesome costume.

Sunday we slept in quite late and then wandered a bit through old town and the lesser quearter. We went to an Organ, Violin, and Soprano concert which was really cool but really expensive. The soprano and violin were amazing but the pieces they chose for the organ to play solo definitely could have been better. After that we went to U Fleku for dinner (that's 3 times in the last two weeks).

This week has been pretty calm which is nice after such a busy weekend. Last night was really cool. We went to this pub where they have taps at the table and a computer screen where they keep track of how much you have had to drink. We discovered that there is also a mug washer that squirts water when you press it down but we were doing it without the mugs so the bartender came over and turned off our water haha. Kind of embarrassing. We made a bunch of friends too. We talked a bunch with the Czech students who were sitting next to us and then met people who live in our dorm while we were on the night tram. It was really cool.

Tomorrow we leave for Krakow but the trip was really poorly planned. We don't get there until 7 PM or so and then have to leave super early on Sun so we don't really get to do anything there. I really wish that we had taken a night bus like the other program but at least I've been there before. We're going to try and go to the salt mines on saturday because apparently there's an entire church carved out of salt underground. Hopefully that works out.

Until next time

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading . . .

    You sound good!! Your pictures look like you are having the time of your life. How will CLU compare with this stuff?!

    Can't wait to see you.

